Simulation VIP for AMBA Stream


Cadence provides a mature and comprehensive Verification IP (VIP) for the AXI4-Stream specification which is part of the Arm® AMBA® family of protocols. Incorporating the latest protocol updates, the Cadence® VIP for AXI provides a complete bus functional model (BFM), integrated automatic protocol checks, and coverage model. Designed for easy integration in testbenches at IP, system-on-chip (SoC), and system levels, the VIP for AXI4-Stream helps you reduce time to test, accelerate verification closure, and ensure end-product quality. Cadence provides a solution for interconnect verification that verifies the correctness and completeness of data as it passes through the SoC. The VIP runs on all major simulators and supports SystemVerilog and e verification languages along with associated methodologies, including the Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) and Open Verification Methodology (OVM).

Supported specification: AMBA® AXI4-Stream v1.0.

Key Features

  • Data and address widths
    • Customizable address width up to 32 bits and data width up to 20,000
  • UserBusSize
    • Increased support for user width
  • Interface Order Control
    • Order in the interface is fully controllable by the user
  • Delay control
    • Set the delay between the items on the interface
  • Manager packet signal control
    • Control the values of the Manager packet signals in the interface
  • Manager transfer signal control
    • Control the values of the signals in the write data channel
  • Multiple agent support
    • Support for any number of agents

    Block Diagram

    Simulation VIP for AMBA Stream Block Diagram

    Technical Specifications

Semiconductor IP