The Synopsys IP Prototyping Kits, part of the IP Accelerated initiative, center around a complete, out-of-the-box reference design that consists of a validated IP configuration and necessary system-on-chip (SoC) integration logic for a specific IP protocol, implemented on a Synopsys FPGA-based prototyping system.
With a proven reference design for the IP, designers can be instantly productive, enabling them to accelerate the integration of IP into their target SoC, optimize the IP configuration, and develop drivers and software applications with real world I/Os and hardware. The prototyping kit provides prototyping hardware with automation tools, and scripts and configuration files enabling fast iteration.
IP Prototyping Kits for USB, DDR, MIPI, PCI Express protocols
- Instant productivity for software development and IP integration
- Fully tested and pre-validated IP configuration that can be easily modified
- Proven, preloaded hardware, and software reference designs
- Software Development Platform running Linux® OS and reference drivers
- Scripts and configuration files to enable fast iteration
- Plugs into open source software tool chains
- Expandable and scalable to multiple IP interfaces and an entire SoC
- FPGA reference design
- Verilog source code
- Simulation testbench
- ProtoCompiler synthesis scripts
- Vivado place and route scripts
- FPGA pre-built image
- Software
- Driver source code
- Compilation scripts
- Software pre-built image for ARC® AXS101 Software Development Platform (SDP)
- Documentation
- User guide
- Installation guide
- Release notes
- Support channel
Technical Specifications
Available on request