TTPCom Unveils Combined GSM & 802.11 Wireless Architecture

Silicon Companies Can Now Develop “GSM.11” Capability

October 20, 2003 - TTPCom, the world’s leading independent supplier of digital wireless technology, will give a first glimpse of its planned silicon architecture for combined GSM cellular and 802.11 wireless LAN technologies at the CTIA Wireless IT Show on 22 October in Las Vegas. The Company’s so-called “GSM.11” silicon architecture will make wireless Internet access and Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) possible in mainstream, low-cost handsets.

The incorporation of 802.11 technology into a low-cost handset will allow wireless operators to accelerate their displacement of wireline business to their networks. Given adequate network support, a GSM.11 handset will seamlessly move between an in-home or in-enterprise network running VOIP and a wide area cellular network. In addition, consumers will have the low access cost of VOIP when “at home” and the added value of being in contact through a single handset when away.

TTPCom’s GSM.11 architecture delivers a low cost GSM+802.11 solution by re-using the digital blocks common to both technologies -- delivering a dual baseband on a single piece of silicon. This high level of integration is key if today’s sub-$100 retail price for a basic, high volume handset is to be maintained.

Says John Haine, Head of Research at TTPCom, “Our GSM.11 architecture is the first step towards terminal hardware able to deliver against the one-handset-for-everywhere vision. As a handset technology leader, TTPCom is the first place our industry expects to see game-changing products like this. Given the typical 12-18 months needed to develop new silicon, we can expect to see GSM.11 start to make its mark on the mass markets in 2005.”

Those interested in learning more about GSM.11 and where it fits in the wireless market landscape are invited to attend the TTPCom seminar “How Can EDGE & WLAN Technologies Bridge the Gap to 3G?” at CTIA Wireless IT Show, room 507, Sands Expo Centre, Las Vegas at 11am 22 October.

See here for more details.

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