Google ATAP joins Linaro Mobile Group to extend collaboration in Project Ara

CAMBRIDGE,UK -- MAY 1st, 2015 -- Linaro Ltd, the collaborative engineering organization developing open source software for the ARM® architecture, today added the Advanced Technologies and Projects (ATAP) Group of Google Inc. as a member of the Linaro Mobile Group (LMG).

LMG was formed in July 2014 to consolidate and optimize open source software for mobile platforms on ARM. Linaro began working with the Google ATAP group on Project Ara in June 2014. The work has been focused on extending Android for Project Ara, including support for MIPI UniPro and plug-and-play recognition of all types of modules, from batteries and displays to cameras and medical sensors.

About Linaro

Linaro is the place where engineers from the world’s leading technology companies collaborate with Linaro’s own engineering team to define the future of open source on ARM. The company’s engineering organization comprises over 200 engineers working on consolidating and optimizing open source software for the ARM architecture, including developer tools, the Linux kernel, ARM power management, and other software infrastructure. Linaro is distribution neutral: its goal is to provide the best software foundations to everyone by working upstream, and to reduce non-differentiating and costly low level fragmentation.

To ensure commercial quality software, Linaro’s work includes comprehensive test and validation on member hardware platforms. The full scope of Linaro’s engineering work is open to all online. For more information about Linaro, visit

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