FDSOI carries on despite ST re-org, says COO

Peter Clarke, EETimes Europe
January 27, 2016

STMicroelectronics' withdrawal from the set-top-box business and the transfer of engineers to microcontroller and digital automotive work will not stop the adoption of fully-depleted silicon-on-insulator (FDSOI) manufacturing process, according to Jean-Marc Chery, ST's chief operating officer.

Set-top box and home gateway are application areas where STMicroelectronics has already designed ICs for implementation in the FDSOI process that it has championed in the industry, albeit with limited take-up so far.

However, the news that ST is withdrawing from those markets and will make no further designs for that sector should not be seen as a blow to prospects for FDSOI, Chery told EE Times Europe. Indeed Chery says ST is preparing to make microcontrollers on 28nm FDSOI with options on an embedded non-volatile memory still open, but with phase-change memory as a leading contender.

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