EVE's ZeBu SystemVerilog Approach Used by Fujitsu Kyusyu Network Technologies to Implement UVM Co-Emulation

Connects UVM Testbench to ZeBu with Minimum Change of Class Code

SAN JOSE, CALIF. –– September 4, 2012 –– EVE, the leader in hardware/software co-verification, today announced that its ZeBu hardware-assisted verification platform and SystemVerilog methodology have been adopted by Fujitsu Kyusyu Network Technologies Limited of Fukuoka, Japan.

Fujitsu Kyusyu Network Technologies implemented an acceleration flow of its Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) testbench with the ZeBu emulator.

“Recently, the gate size of an LSI/FPGA has grown larger and larger, and the functionality has gotten more complicated,” remarks Eisuke Yuri, professional engineer, Development Dept. I, System Logic Development Center at Fujitsu Kyusyu Network Technologies Limited. “In particular, during the verification phase, the increase in the number of test scenarios and the simulation time become critical. UVM, a new verification methodology, is getting popular to overcome these situations. Accordingly, we have focused on a UVM co-emulation technology that executes the UVM testbench on an HDL simulator and the Design Under Test (DUT) is mapped to ZeBu.

“Due to UVM’s object oriented programming (OOP), the UVM testbench that we developed for HDL simulation could be easily integrated with ZeBu with minimal change to the driver class, the monitor class and the test class. The co-emulation environment provided remarkable simulation acceleration as ZeBu’s transaction technology minimized the communication overhead between the testbench and the emulator.”

“We are delighted to see a successful deployment of ZeBu in a real UVM test environment,” says Luc Burgun, EVE’s chief executive officer and president. “The results reported by Fujitsu Kyusyu Network Technologies are proof of the value of the ZeBu emulation platform and our SystemVerilog technology.”

More details will be available during the Verify 2012 Seminar to be held September 28 in Yokohama, Japan.

About EVE

EVE is the worldwide leader in hardware/software co-verification solutions, offering fast transaction-based co-emulation and in-circuit emulation, with installations at five of the top six semiconductor companies. EVE products shorten the overall verification cycle of complex integrated circuits and electronic systems designs, and can be integrated with transaction-level ESL tools and software debuggers, target hardware systems, as well as Verilog, SystemVerilog and VHDL simulators. EVE is a member of OCP-IP and ARM, Mentor Graphics, Real Intent, Springsoft and Synopsys Partner programs. Its United States headquarters is located in San Jose, Calif. Corporate headquarters is in Wissous, France. Other offices are located in India, Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Tunisia. Visit EVE online at:  www.eve-team.com.

Semiconductor IP