Court Rules in Favor of ARM in Patent Infringement Suit

CAMBRIDGE, UK — Oct. 1, 2003

– ARM [(LSE: ARM); (Nasdaq: ARMHY)], the industry's leading provider of 16/32-bit embedded RISC microprocessor solutions, today announced details of the company's patent infringement litigation with Nazomi Communications, Inc., over ARM's intellectual property incorporating the current commercial design of its Jazelle® Java accelerator technology.

Yesterday, Judge Fogel in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California issued his ruling on ARM's early summary judgement motion in Nazomi's patent infringement suit against ARM. Judge Fogel's decision favors ARM and grants ARM's motion for partial summary judgment by ruling that products using the current commercial design of ARM's Jazelle technology do not infringe on Nazomi's U.S. Patent number 6,332,215. Only the part of the lawsuit that relates to earlier, discontinued ARM prototypes will, for now, proceed. This decision means that ARM may continue to provide leading designs of microprocessor solutions incorporating its Jazelle Java accelerator technology to the market.

Read the judgement here.

About ARM
ARM is the industry's leading provider of 16/32-bit embedded RISC microprocessor solutions. The company licenses its high-performance, low-cost, power-efficient RISC processors, peripherals and system-on-chip designs to leading international electronics companies. ARM also provides comprehensive support required in developing a complete system. ARM's microprocessor cores are rapidly becoming the volume RISC standard in such markets as portable communications, hand-held computing, multimedia digital consumer and embedded solutions. More information on ARM is available at


ARM and Jazelle are registered trademarks of ARM Limited. All other brands or product names are the property of their respective holders. "ARM" is used to represent ARM Holdings plc (LSE: ARM and Nasdaq: ARMHY); its operating company ARM Limited; and the regional subsidiaries ARM INC.; ARM KK; ARM Korea Ltd.; ARM Taiwan; ARM France SAS; ARM Consulting (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.; and ARM Belgium N.V.
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