Infiniscale and Mentor Graphics collaborate with STMicroelectronics to offer a unique design solution for analog parametric yield optimization

Grenoble, France – September 23, 2008 – Infiniscale - the leading provider of behavioral modeling, model-based sizing and parametric yield solutions dedicated to Analog Systems – and Mentor Graphics Corporation, the world-wide leader in EDA Solutions, announced today a collaboration to provide innovative parametric yield optimization to the sub-90nm analog designers’ community, in cooperation with STMicroelectronics, their common major customer.

Infiniscale proposes a model-based solution to handle process and environment variations and design parameters in order to guarantee robust sizing and yield improvement. 

“This collaboration with STMicroelectronics and Mentor Graphics is a major milestone for Infiniscale.“ said Firas Mohamed founder and CEO of Infiniscale. “This concludes a series of successes, starting with the adoption of our modeling & sizing solutions by multiple divisions at STMicroelectronics and the promising deployment of our latest product dedicated to DFY (Design for Yield). In this context, tight integration of Infiniscale Lysis™ with Eldo™ and ADVance MS™ from Mentor Graphics offers a unique modeling and model-based yield optimization solution to analog designers making it an ideal combination to overcome today’s parametric yield challenges.”

Commenting on the collaboration, Philippe Raynaud, Mentor Graphics Business Development Manager for Analog/Mixed-Signal simulation, Deep Sub-Micron division noted: “Lysis™ from Infiniscale generates behavioral models based upon Eldo™ accurate and silicon-proven simulation technology. Models do include design, temperature and power-supply parameters but also technology parameters from the design kit. Once models are built, DFY becomes a reality since yield and performance optimization is performed in minutes. Eldo™ and Lysis™ provide users with an outstanding performance increase for sub-65 nm designs where corner-based approach is no more an option."

“ST has extensively evaluated Infiniscale solutions and we’ve been impressed with their modeling technology for treating highly non-linear & complex phenomena. Their solutions have been able to complement our in-house solutions for process variability modeling and their latest model-based yield optimization tool is very promising, our first evaluation was successful,” said Jean-Paul Morin, STMicroelectronics, Technology R&D/Central CAD and Design Solution CAD manager for Analog & RF solutions. “As Mentor Graphics is our main partner in analog simulation, we are keen to collaborate with both companies to get this long-awaited solution for analog yield failure analysis.”

About Infiniscale:

Founded in 2005 and prizewinner in French national competition rewarding innovative technologies, Infiniscale provides leading EDA solutions that do address RF, Analog, mixed-signal and MEMS design challenges. Infiniscale offers a unique behavioral modeling technology and a model-based sizing and yield optimization, which enable designers to drastically reduce design times, analyze process variability and maximize yield and robustness.
Headquartered in Grenoble, FRANCE, Infiniscale has sales offices and representations in Europe, North America and Asia. Visit Infiniscale online at

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