Phase Modulator IP
from 11 vendors
3.5 to 5 GHz, 7 to 10 GHz and 14 to 20 GHz FMCW Modulator for RADAR
- Ultra-Linear Ultra-Fast FMCW Chirp Generator
- Ultra Low PN (SSB): -115 dBc/Hz at ?f=1MHz
- Reference input: 40 MHz to 100 MHz
- TSMC 28nm 0.9V/1.8V HKMG High Performance Mobile Process
- TSMC 28nm 0.9V/1.8V HKMG high performance compact mobile computing plus process
- Metal scheme: 1P6M (5X)
- Input clock: 7.5 MHz to 200 MHz
19 GHz to 20.25 GHz FMCW Modulator for RADAR
- Power Dissipation: 480mW
- Output power: 10 dBm
- Reference input: 20 MHz to 100 MHz
"Zero Power" IQ Direct Conversion Modulator-Demodulator
- “Zero” power consumption
- Operating RF Frequency: < 50MHz to > 5GHz
High Linearity Wideband IQ Modulator / Demodulator
- Low power consumption: <130mW
- Operating RF Frequency:400 MHz to 3600 MHz
Quadrature Amplitude Modulation: Modulator and Demodulator
- 1. Quadrature amplitude modulation Aside from increased channel capacity, QAM has various other advantages, which are stated below.
- 2. One of the most significant advantages of QAM is its ability to sustain a high data rate. As a result, the carrier signal can carry a certain amount of bits. Because of these benefits, it is preferred in wireless communication networks.
- 3. The noise immunity of QAM is quite strong. Noise interference is a bit low as a result of this.
- 4. It has a low mistake probability value.
EA/MZ Modulator Driver 1.25Gb/s to 11.3Gb/s
- Data-rates from 1.25Gb/s to 11.3Gb/s.
- Single –5.2V Power Supply
- Programmable output voltage from
- Programmable EAM bias voltage up to 1V
IGAPLLV10A, TSMC CLN12FFC Spread Spectrum Clock Generate Phase Lock Loop
- Wide output frequency range : 25MHz ~ 3600MHz
- Flexible input frequency range for SSC off : 10MHz ~ 200MHz
- Flexible input frequency range for SSC on : 20MHz ~ 100MHz
- 1.8V analog supply operation and 0.8V digital supply operation
Ultra-Low Power, 3mW, 1V, IQ Modulator / Demodulator
- Ultra-Low power consumption: 3mW
- Power Supply: +1Vdc @ 3mA
- Operating RF Frequency: 2.4GHz to 2.5GHz
Fractional-N Frequency Synthesizer (PLL)
- 2.48 GHz Fractional-N Frequency
- 1.2 V Power Supply
- Programmable Charge Pump Current
- Programmable VCO Current Limit