The Synopsys IP solution for Serial ATA (SATA) provides the necessary logic to implement and verify designs using the SATA interface to mass storage. The complete, integrated solution is silicon-proven and includes a comprehensive suite of configurable digital controllers, high-speed mixed-
signal PHYs, and verification IP. By providing a complete solution from a single IP vendor, Synopsys lowers integration risk by ensuring that all the IP functions work together seamlessly. Synopsys IP for SATA provides designers with a high-performance IP solution that is extremely low in power, area, and latency. The IP has gone through extensive in-house and third-party interoperability testing with products shipping in volume production. As a leading supplier of SATA IP, Synopsys is focused on delivering high-quality IP. The strict quality measures, combined with an expert technical support team, enable designers to accelerate time-to-market and reduce integration risk for next-generation mass storage applications.
SATA 3G Host Controller IP
Key Features
- Compliant with SATA/eSATA v3.3 and SATA PIPE v4.3 specifications
- Memory data protection and memory address parity protection
- Hardware support for native nommand queuing (NCQ)
- End-to-end parity data path protection
- End-to-end CRC data (data FISes) protection (in addition to SATA CRC protection)
- Integrated DMA engine with flexible command layer programming model
- Included example command layer firmware
- Optional RX buffer (elasticity buffer) for recovered clock systems
- Optional 8b/10b encoding/decoding
- Optional OOB detection/generation logic
- Data scrambling
- Speed negotiation when TX OOB signaling is enabled
- Full power management features supported
- Supports SATA defined BIST modes
- Native command queuing, streaming, and asynchronous notification
- Configurable AMBA system interface
- Supports disabling of RX and TX clocks during power modes
- Highly configurable PHY interface
- Additional, user defined PHY status and control ports
- Complete solution: Digital Controllers, PHY, and Verification IP
- Compliant with SATA/eSATA v3.3 and AHCI v1.3 specifications
- Compliant with SATA PIPE v4.3 specification
- Silicon-proven, shipping in volume
- Configurable ARM® AMBA®, AHB/AXI bus interfaces
- PHY optimized for low area and low power
- Controllers validated with Synopsys and third-party PHYs
- PHY and controller IP supports 1.5, 3 & 6 Gbps SATA operations
- Advanced built-in diagnostics for at-speed production testing
- Set-top box, DVD and digital TV
- Desktop and laptop
- Portable and network storage
- Hard disk, optical disk, flash, and solid state drives
- Enterprise and RAID storage systems
- Any system requiring a high-speed SATA host or device interface
Technical Specifications
Available on request
Related IPs
- I3C Controller IP – I3C / I2C Slave, SCL Clock only, Configure User Registers, no CPU Host Required
- I3C Controller IP – I3C / I2C Slave, Configure User Registers, no CPU Host Required
- USB 1.1 Host Controller IP
- I2C Controller IP – Master, Parameterized FIFO, APB Bus
- High Performance Embedded Host NVMe IP Core
- I2C Controller IP- Master / Slave, Parameterized FIFO, AXI Bus