Near-threshold voltage and ultra-wide dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (UW-DVFS)


Minima Processor’s ultra-low power technology deploys patented Minima Dynamic Margining to minimize energy consumption of any digital logic. The Minima Dynamic Margining is a closed-loop, self-adapting IP that allows the digital sub-system to reach the near-threshold voltage while maintaining the capability to scale up when more computing power is needed. Minima Dynamic Margining allows the digital sub-system to always operate at the lowest possible energy for any given task, data or ambient condition.

Minima Dynamic Margining IP is foundry process and EDA tool flow agnostic. It targets processor cores like Arm Cortex-M series, Cadence Tensilica Hifi and Fusion families, NXP CoolFlux DSPs, etc. but it can be deployed to bigger digital blocks such as HW accelerators.

Key Features

  • Elimination of static margins
  • Operation at Near-Threshold Voltage (Minimum Energy Point)
  • Minima UWDVFS covers all operating points, scaling accurately to the minimum voltage needed by the application.


  • Up to 15x energy improvement for digital logic
  • Ultra-wide Dynamic Voltage and Frequency scaling for flexibility
  • Foundry process agnostic
  • Standard EDA flow compatible


  • Always-on audio
  • Earbuds
  • TWS headset
  • Smart speakers
  • Hearing aid
  • Wireless Connectivity (LPWAN, BLE, WLAN, GPS)
  • IoT devices
  • Wearables
  • AR/VR


  • Gate-level netlist
  • Standard Delay Format (SDF)
  • Library Exchange Format (LEF)
  • Liberty timing models (.lib)
  • Application note with integration and production test guidelines
  • DFT scan vectors
  • Minima IP driver and control software in ANSI-C

Technical Specifications

Foundry, Node
TSMC22, TSMC28, TSMC40, TSMC55, etc.
Silicon proven
Pre-Silicon: 22nm
Silicon Proven: 28nm HPCP
Semiconductor IP