Cortus have applied their many years of processor design expertise to the RISC-V ISA. Concentrating on the needs of the embedded designer and leveraging the success of their APS family of processors.
The FPS69V processor is an implementation of the RISC-V ISA RV64GC, with the full integer instruction set, compressed instructions and multiply and divide. It also has single and double precision floating point. In addition it implements the privilege features with Machine and User modes.
The Cortus FPS69V processor features a Harvard architecture with AXI4 bus interfaces. This ensures wide compatibility with other peripheral IP, allowing the standard peripherals from Cortus to be complemented by other IP.
Full debug support is implemented through Cortus’ standard debug interface and tools (GDB and OpenOCD).
Implementation of the RISC-V RV64GC ISA
Key Features
- RISC-V 64 bit ISA (RV64)
- RV64GC
- Single and Double Precision Floating Point
- Machine and User Modes
- AXI4 Bus (Instruction and Data)
- Full Peripheral Set
- Hardware Breakpoints
- Full Toolchain and IDE
- The Cortus FPS69V processor is designed to be both power and silicon efficient.
- Embedded Control
- Encryption and Decryption
- Wireless and Wireline Communication
- Sensor Fusion
- Machine Vision
- Dual and Multi-core Systems
- Full Verilog Source Code
- Full Toolchain
- Graphical Development Environment
- Debugger
- Standard Peripherals
- Full Documentation
- Complete Integration Guide
- Supplied as Part of a Design Services Contract
Technical Specifications
Foundry, Node
Related IPs
- Compact Implementation of the RISC-V RV32EMC ISA
- Compact Implementation of the RISC-V RV32IMAC ISA
- Compact Implementation of the RISC-V RV32IMC ISA
- 8-stage, dual-issue, highly efficient in-order pipeline compatible with the RISC-V RV64GCV ISA
- 64-bit embedded processor, fully compliant with the RISC-V ISA
- High-performance implementation of Z80/Z180 instruction set