High Speed Low Power JPEG Codec IP Core


High Speed Low Power JPEG Codec IP Core

Key Features

  • ISO/IEC 10918-1/2(JPEG) Compliant
  • Base Line Support (Progressive is not supported)
  • Encode Format
    • Y:CB:CR = 4:2:2, 4:1:1
  • Automatic Header Handling
    • Generate/Read a variety of JPEG header information (Marker Code, Parameter) automatically.
  • Quantization Table
    • Implement 3 quantization tables for Y/Cb/Cr respectively as default.
    • Possible to program tables from external CPU.
  • Encode/Decode process performance
  • 92Mbyte/sec (@100MHz CLK) Same performance for both ENC/DEC
  • (DCT/IDCT, Q/IQ to be processed at 1-pixel/cycle)
  • Example of YUV420
    • 640×480×200fps
    • 1280×1024×70fps

Block Diagram

High Speed Low Power JPEG Codec IP Core Block Diagram


  • Verilog RTL
  • Synthesis Environment
  • Test Environment
  • Datasheet & Documents

Technical Specifications

Semiconductor IP