DDR DLL IP, Input: 66MHz - 133MHz, Output: 66MHz - 133MHz, UMC 0.13um HS/FSG process
Input 66M-133MHz, output 66M-133MHz, DDR DLL, UMC 0.13um HS/FSG Logic process.
Technical Specifications
Foundry, Node
UMC 130nm HS/FSG
Related IPs
- Video Output Port IP Core
- MIPI D-PHY Universal IP in UMC 28HPC+
- General Purpose Input / Output Controller (GPIO)
- PCI-X Arbiter Supporting 66 / 100 / 133MHz
- Horizontal Down-scaler (Customized to two input resolutions and two output resolutions)**
- 2D Up-scaler (Customized to two input resolutions and two output resolutions)**