6Mhz to 5.8Ghz wideband half and full wave rectifier
The CC-205IP Wideband CMOS RF Rectifier is a CMOS full wave rectifier with a 6Mhz to 5.8Ghz rectification frequency range capability, can rectify input power signals ranging from -18dBm to over +33dBm, while maintaining a 40% to 90% conversion efficiency. The CC-205IP, at maximum efficiency at 5.8Ghz, outputs a 3.3V DC voltage with a current capacity of 125mA, making it ideal for on chip RF Power Transfer and Broadcasting, and RFID transceivers. The CC-205IP can be interfaced to on and off chip supercapacitors, making the IP block ideal for RF Power Transfer Systems in burst mode operation. The CC-205IP has an aspect ratio of 140um X 140um making it an ideal choice for RFID chips and systems. The CC-205IP features wideband, adjustable Antenna matching capability, with the ability of directly interfacing to a given antenna impedance, avoiding the conversion losses incurred with an antenna to rectifier interface matching network. The rectifier block features a -40 dB S11 return loss, adding to it’s overall conversion efficiency. The CC-205IP Wideband CMOS RF Rectifier is available on XFABs XT013 manufacturing process, and can be ported to any given RFCMOS process.
Key Features
- WideBand CMOS Architecture
- Adjustable Antenna Matching
- Wide Input Power/Frequency Range
- Proprietary Topology
- RFID Compatible
- RF Power Transmission Compatible
- RF Communications Compatible
- 6Mhz to 5.8Ghz Frequency Range
- -18 to +33dBm Input Power Range
- 40% to 90% Conversion Efficiency
- 3.3V DC Output Voltage Range
- Wide Antenna Matching Impedance
- -40 dB S11 Input Return Loss
Block Diagram

- RF Power Transmission
- RF Communications/receivers
- .gds
- LEF representation
Technical Specifications
Foundry, Node
Related IPs
- 0.8 to 2.5GHz full wave rectifier with ESD protection
- Wideband LNA with a gain adjustment range from -22 to 20dB
- 1G to 50G Single-Port MACsec Engine with xMII interface and TSN support
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- UART with FIFOs and Synchronous CPU Interface
- UART with FIFOs, IrDA and Synchronous CPU Interface