10/100/1000 MBit Ethernet MAC
The GigaBit Ethernet Media Access Controller (GRETH_GBIT) supports 10/100/1000 MBit speed in both full- and half-duplex operation. The dataflow is handled through DMA channels, one for transmit and one for receive. The Ethernet interface supports MII and GMII interfaces connected to an external PHY. The GRETH_GBIT also provides access to the MII Management interface which is used to configure the PHY. Some of the supported features for the DMA channels are Scatter Gather I/O and TCP/UDP over IPv4 checksum offloading for both receiver and transmitter. Software drivers are provided for VxWorks, RTEMS, eCos, uClinux and Linux 2.6.
Key Features
- Full implementation of IEEE 802.3-2002
- 10/100/1000 MBit operation
- AMBA AHB host interface with DMA
- Low CPU overhead
- Low area: 4,000 LUT or 25,000 gates
- PHY control (MII)
- Scatter gather I/O
- TCP/UDP over IPv4 checksum offload for both transmit and receive
- Zero copy DMA
- Optional fault-tolerance for aerospace app.
- Standalone AHB or GRLIB plug&play interface
- Drivers for eCos, RTEMS, VxWorks and Linux
- Low-cost license
- Easily integrated through AMBA plug&play
- Low-area overhead
- Free device drivers
Block Diagram

- VHDL source code
- Test benches
- GRLIB plug&play interface
- Optional FPGA evaluation board
Technical Specifications
Foundry, Node