Intrinsic ID的可扩展硬件信任根IP为恩智浦LPC微控制器产品组合中的物联网安全提供设备认证
加利福尼亚州桑尼维尔3月4,2019 - 内在ID,全球领先的数字认证技术供应商 物联网安全今天宣布 NXP® Semiconductors has integrated Intrinsic ID’s IoT security technology in its LPC55Sxx family of secure microcontrollers. NXP leverages Intrinsic ID’s SRAM PUF (physical unclonable function) based products to incorporate hardware root of trust IP in its high-volume, low-power microcontrollers and crossover processors.
The integration of Intrinsic ID’s IoT security technology with NXP’s LPC55Sxx family of low-power microcontrollers, followed by the i.MX RT600 high-performance crossover processor, extends Intrinsic ID’s relationship with NXP as part of a strategic collaboration between the companies. This enables NXP to deploy Intrinsic ID technology to authenticate IoT devices by creating secure root key generation, anchoring device-to-cloud authentication, software IP protection, and end-to-end encryption across its entire microcontroller portfolio.
“Intrinsic ID’s innovative PUF IP fits into the NXP microcontroller strategy of delivering root-of-trust in IoT applications where product authentication and cloning protection is essential,” said Joe Yu, vice president of the microcontroller business at NXP. “Integrating Intrinsic ID’s SRAM PUF IPs in our microcontrollers enables easy-to-use provision tools to make security deployment and product management simple for our customers.”
Intrinsic ID’s hardware IP product, QuiddiKey, replaces traditional OTP-plus-key-injection approaches to IoT security, delivering advantages in security robustness, reduced total cost of ownership and ease of provisioning.
“I am very pleased about our wide-reaching engagement with NXP,” said Pim Tuyls, chief executive officer of Intrinsic ID. “We value NXP’s many years of technical and business collaboration to elevate security robustness and reliability for high-volume markets. We look forward to helping NXP expand its leadership position as the secure MCU provider for the IoT with deployment of Intrinsic ID technology across a broad spectrum of IoT verticals.”
Intrinsic ID是全球领先的数字认证公司,通过为任何物联网连接的设备提供不可克隆的身份,为物联网提供基于硬件的信任根安全。 基于Intrinsic ID的专利 SRAM PUF 在技术方面,公司的安全解决方案可以用硬件或软件实现。 内部ID安全性可以在产品生命周期的任何阶段部署,用于验证支付系统,安全连接,验证传感器以及保护敏感的政府和军事系统。 内部ID技术已在超过125百万台设备中部署。 奖项表彰包括物联网突破奖,物联网安全卓越奖,Frost&Sullivan技术领导奖和欧盟创新雷达奖。 在Common Criteria,EMVCo,Visa和多个政府认证的数百万台设备中已经证明了内在ID安全性。 Intrinsic ID的使命:“认证一切。”访问Intrinsic ID,网址为。
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