automotive RISC-V processor IP
from 8 vendors
32-bit RISC-V processor specifically designed for the Automotive and Functional Safety markets
- 32-bit RISC-V ISA
- ASIL B and ASIL D area optimised product variants
- Functional Safety Package and Independent Assessment
32-bit RISC-V embedded processor with TÜV SÜD ISO 26262 ASIL B certification
- Flexible use cases
- roven technology
- State-of-the-art safety and security
8-stage superscalar processor that supports ISO 26262 ASIL (Automotive Safety Integrity Level) -D level functional safety for automotive applications
- 32-bit in-order dual-issue 8-stage pipeline CPU architecture
- AndeStar™ V5 Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)
- 16/32-bit mixable instruction format for compacting code density
- Advanced low power branch predication to speed up control code
- Return Address Stack (RAS) to accelerate procedure returns
Embedded Hardware Security Module (Root of Trust) - Automotive Grade ISO 26262 ASIL-B
- The RT-64x Embedded Hardware Security Module (Root of Trust) family are fully programmable, ISO 26262 ASIL-B hardware security cores offering security by design for automotive applications.
- They protect against a wide range of failures such as permanent, transient and latent faults and hardware and software attacks with state-of-the-art anti-tamper and security techniques.
ARC-V RMX Series Functional Safety Processor IP
- Developed for full ASIL D compliance (systematic and random faults)
- Tightly-coupled dual-core safety implementation based on ultra-compact ARC-V RMX processors
- Single solution support for safety level up to ASIL D; Supports both ASIL D lockstep operation or ASIL B single-core operation (RMX-510-FS only)
- Integrated hardware safety features including ECC, user-programmable windowed watchdog timer, end-to-end protection (E2E) for buses/data-path, and lockstep safety monitor
Integrated Secure Element (iSE) for automotive
- Services:
- Secure Boot
- Secure Firmware update
- Life-cycle management
Embedded HSM Family (Root of Trust) - Automotive Grade ISO 26262 ASIL-B
- Custom-designed 32-bit RISC-V secure processor
- Security model include hierarchical privilege model, secure key management policy, hardware-enforced isolation/access control/protection, error management policy
- Standard hardware cryptographic accelerators, including AES (all modes), HMAC, SHA-2 (all modes), RSA up to 4096 bits, ECC up to 521 bits, a NIST-compliant Random Bit Generator, AXI Multi Issue Out-of-Order, and Fast DMA capability. Additional algorithms such as Whirlpool (SHE), SHA-1 (legacy), AES-CMAC, SHA-3, Poly1305, ChaCha and OSCCA SM2-3-4 are available
- Multi-layered security model protects all core components against a wide range of attacks
Integrated Secure Element (iSE) for multiple applications
- Services:
- Secure Boot
- Secure Firmware update
- Life-cycle management
IP Platform for BLE 5.2 IoT Sensors
- AMBA standard interface : AXI/AHB/APB
Quantum Safe, ISO 21434 Automotive-grade Programmable Hardware Security Module
- The automotive-grade CryptoManager RT-7xx v3 Root of Trust family is the next generation of fully programmable ISO 26262 and ISO 21434 compliant hardware security modules offering Quantum Safe security by design for secure automotive applications.
- The CryptoManager RT-7xx family protects against a wide range of hardware and software attacks through state-of-the-art side channel attack countermeasures and anti-tamper and security techniques.