High-Speed Turbo Product Code decoder


TC3404 is a 2D TPC decoder that is optimised for high-speed. A single Core achieves in excess of 200 Mbps user rate with the latest FPGA families (Stratix2, Virtex4). For cost-sensitive application requiring less bitrate, refer to our TC3401 product. For applications reguiring high code gain, refer to our TC30xx family.

Key Features

  • Best use of FPGA for very high bitrate (up to 230 Mbps user bitrate at 4 iterations).
  • Supports all modes of IEEE-802.16a TPCs
  • Supports large block sizes (up to 65Kbits).
  • Highly programmable
  • On-the-fly change of code
  • Reduced latency (bank-swapping option)
  • Dedicated or micro-controller interface


  • TC3404 is ideal for applications requiring high-speed (~200 Mbps uer rate) from a single Core.


  • Synthesized FPGA netlist for Altera's or Xilinx's
  • Behavioral C-model library
  • RTL-model library for Modelsim
  • SW executable for test vector generation
  • Test bench VHDL source code
  • Documentation

Technical Specifications

Foundry, Node
All ALTERA and XILINX mainstream families
field proven
Semiconductor IP