Compact Flash host interface controller with APB interface.
Key Features
- Support APB host interface
- Support attribute memory access, common memory access and IO access
- Support card insert/remove, RDY/nIREQ and BVD1/nSTSCHG interrupt source
- Support power, buffer and reset control function
- Programmable access cycle time for each access type
- Optional active read/write buffer control function
- Optional configurable buffer size
- Optional programmable interrupt for active buffer access
Technical Specifications
Related IPs
- SD Card Host Interface
- Spacewire Codec with AHB host interface
- LCD Host LVDS Interface, Dual Pixel 20-112Mhz (SVGA/QXGA)
- SG DMA Controller, 1-16 DMA Channels, AHB5 Master Interface
- Low-power SD/eMMC host controller IP provides advanced high-performance 32- and 64-bit AXI interface to the SoC
- Digital FIR filter with APB interface