The GRSPW core implements a Spacewire Codec with RMAP support and AMBA host interface. The core implements the Spacewire standard with the protocol identification extension (ECSS-E- 50-12 part 2) and RMAP protocol draft C. Receive and transmit data is autonomously transferred between the Spacewire Codec and the AMBA AHB bus using DMA transfers. Through the use of receive and transmit descriptors, multiple Spacewire packets can be received and transmitted without CPU involvement. The GRSPW control registers are accessed through an APB interface. For critical space applications, a fault-tolerant (FT) version of GRSPW is available with full SEU protection of all RAM blocks.
Spacewire Codec with AHB host interface
Key Features
- Full implementation of Spacewire standard
- Protocol ID extension ECSS-E-50-12 part 2
- Optional RMAP protocol draft C
- AMBA AHB back-end with DMA
- Descriptor-based autonomous multi-packet transfer
- Low area and high frequency
- SEU protection fault-tolerance
- Portable
- 2,800 Cells on RTAX2000S FPGA, 10,000 ASIC gates
- 100 MBit/s on RTAX, 400 MBit/s on ASIC
- VHDL source code or netlist delivery
- Tested and verified against several other SPW cores
- Low area and high frequency
- Easily portable between FPGA and ASIC
- Low-cost project license
- SEU protection of all RAM blocks
Block Diagram
- VHDL source code or FPGA/ASIC netlist
- Stand-alone testbench
- Optional plug&play interface for GRLIB IP Library
- User's Manual
Technical Specifications
Foundry, Node
Fully validated on silicon
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