CAN 2.0 B Compatible Network Controller
The logiCAN core provides all features expected from the standard CAN network controller. The core handles messages in a highly automated way that decreases the CPU overhead, which is extremelly important for efficient low-cost embedded systems. The logiCAN is fully embedded into Xilinx XPS and the EDK development tools.
Key Features
- In compliance with CAN 2.0B protocol specifications
- The IP license includes a number of CAN node licenses
- Up to 31 TX and up to 63 RX buffers consuming only one dual-port Block RAM
- Low CPU overhead
- Supported baud rates up to 1 Mbit per second
- Interrupt processing for all errors and message exchange
- External CAN bus transceiver required
- Fully synchronous, field proven design
- Parametrizable VHDL design that allows customization and can be tailored to fulfill your needs
- Fully functional core available under evaluation license
- Documentation
- Users Guide
- Application Notes
- Implementation Guide
- Design File Format
- NGC netlist, encrypted VHDL
- Constraint Files
- .ucf
- Reference Designs & Application Notes
- REference FPGA design
- logiCRAFT2 Evaluation boards with SW drivers
Technical Specifications