AMBA APB Synthesizable Transactor provides a smart way to verify the AMBA APB component of a SOC or a ASIC in Emulator or FPGA platform. The SmartDV's AMBA APB Synthesizable Transactor is fully compliant with standard AMBA APB 3.0/4.0 Specification and provides the following features
AMBA APB Synthesizable Transactor
Key Features
- Compliant to ARM AMBA APB 3.0/4.0 protocol
- Supports AMBA APB Master, APB Slave
- Supports multiple slaves
- Supports all ARM AMBA APB 3.0/4.0 data and address widths
- APB3/APB4 common support
- Different transfer types including IDLE, WRITE and READ
- Unaligned address accesses
- Slave memory map support
- Unmapped address accesses
- Flexibility to send completely configured data
- Slave supports fine grain control of response per address or per transfer
- Programmable wait state insertion
- Programmable timeout insertion
- Programmable number of idle cycles
- Ability to inject errors during data transfer
- APB4 support
- In addition to APB3 support, APB4 supports the following features:
- Protected accesses
- Write strobe signal to enable sparse data transfer on the write data bus
- Supports FIFO memory
- Supports on-the-fly protocol and data checking
- Compatible with testbench writing using SmartDV's VIP
- All UVM sequences/testcases written with VIP can be reused
- Runs in every major emulators environment
- Runs in custom FPGA platforms
Block Diagram

- Synthesizable transactors
- Complete regression suite containing all the APB testcases
- Examples showing how to connect various components, and usage of Synthesizable Transactor
- Detailed documentation of all DPI, class, task and functions used in verification env
- Documentation contains User's Guide and Release notes
Technical Specifications
Related IPs
- AMBA LPI Synthesizable Transactor
- SPI Controller IP- Master/Slave, Parameterized FIFO, AMBA APB / AHB / AXI Bus
- SPI Controller IP- Master-only, Parameterized FIFO, AMBA APB / AHB / AXI Bus
- Enhanced SPI Controller IP- Master/Slave, Parameterized FIFO, AMBA APB / AHB / AXI Bus. Supports eSPI Master & Slave and SPI Master & Slave functions
- AMBA APB 5,4,3,2 Verification IP
- AMBA APB Assertion IP