Start-up claims breakthrough in reconfigurable logic

John Walko, EE Times
(05/28/2009 6:51 AM EDT)

LONDON — A British company focused on dynamically reconfigurable logic technology, Akya (Selby, England), has launched its first device, dubbed the ART2.

Akya says it has taken a fundamentally different approach to previous reconfigurable logic technologies, and has managed to reduce the risk, silicon area and costs involved in the production of flexible ICs.

The privately held start-up has been developing the 'ART' technology since 2005, and says the technology simplifies the design and implementation of reconfigurable chips by separating dataflow circuitry from control logic.

The company says its "ground-breaking" reconfigurable logic technology redefines low-cost, low-power logic design by bringing the benefits of reconfigurability to price-and power-sensitive markets.

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