Failed merger talks won't stop Dialog

Peter Clarke, EETimes Europe
July 23, 2014

AMS, formerly known as Austriamicrosystems, and Dialog Semiconductor couldn't agree the terms of a merger, which feels like a missed opportunity for the two companies and for Europe.

The outcome seems more dangerous for AMS than for Dialog. But what was the stumbling block?

It was odd that the move was being discussed as a merger of equals but operationally AMS AG (Unterpremstaetten, Austria) was looking to bid to takeover Dialog Semiconductor plc (Reading, England) and has abided by London Stock Exchange rules in declaring that it now does not intend to make such a bid for at least six months, subject to certain exceptional circumstances.

However, the deal was being put together it was clear that the merger talks were taking place while merger and acquisition swirls around across the industry. It seemed like a sensible move to bring to complementary companies together and bulk up and reduce the likelihood of one or both of them being acquired.

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