Assertain success boosts investors' interest in TransEDA Assertion-Based Verification strategy

Los Gatos, CA and Eastleigh, UK - October 26, 2005 - TransEDA, the leader in Coverage and Verification Measurement solutions for electronic designs, today announces that investors have increased their participation in TransEDA to support the deployment of Assertain™.

This new funding brings investment in the company’s coverage and formal technologies to over $18M and demonstrates investors’ trust in TransEDA’s strategy of focusing on measuring the completeness of Assertion Based Verification flows.

Assertain Overview

Covering all front-end design stages from original text specification through to validated RTL, Assertain™ monitors and measures the verification process in one integrated environment. The tool seamlessly brings together rule, protocol and assertion checking; code and assertion coverage; design and assertion coverability analysis; test grading and optimization, linked to specification coverage using proven requirements traceability techniques.

Assertain™ has been built around a revolutionary assertion coverage technology. Deploying comprehensive and unique assertion coverage metrics such as structural, step and variable coverage, TransEDA’s solution enables precise measurements of how well assertions have been exercised by simulation, and how well they cover the intended behavior.

“With Assertain™, TransEDA is the first EDA company to introduce innovative detailed assertion coverage metrics” said Jean Luc Bouvresse, CEO of TransEDA. “All customers to whom we have presented Assertain™ have shown a high interest in this technology and recognized that their ABV methodology was lacking such tool to control how well assertions are exercised.”

Assertain initial successes trigger investors’ interest

Assertain™ has been announced at DAC 2005 in Anaheim and demonstrated on TransEDA’s booth and suites during the exhibition. “The positive feedback received from customers at DAC as well as first migration commitments have encouraged us to support the deployment of this tool” said Marc Fournier, from SG Assets Management. “We are optimistic that Assertain™ is the right answer to fill an existing market need, and we fully trust the success of TransEDA with this product”.

Customers’ migration has already started

As Assertain™ includes all the features of Verification Navigator, TransEDA’s current best-selling product line, the company has put in place an attractive migration program to allow existing customers to transition to Assertain™.

For more details about this migration program, customers should contact their TransEDA sales representative or email:

Several customers have already decided to migrate to this next-generation Verification Closure Measurement solution. Among the reasons to go with Assertain™, they mention the full backward compatibility with VN tools commands and scripts and the unique functionalities available in a single environment, such as coverability analysis, comprehensive assertion coverage and link to original text specification and test plan. Assertain™ also corresponds to their wish to secure a smooth path toward a robust Assertion-Based Verification methodology.

The Logical Step to Verification Closure

Assertain™, TransEDA’s new generation product represents a major advance in delivering a coherent and integrated verification closure solution. The results from specification coverage, assertion coverage, advanced code coverage, and coverability analysis are combined in a single, unified set of metrics and cross-linked to provide a complete audit of your design as you progress towards a successful and faster tape-out. TransEDA is the only company to offer an open and independent solution for Verification Closure Measurement.

Semiconductor IP