ARM drawn into lawsuit with processor technology licensor

Peter Clarke, EE Times
(10/31/2006 10:08 AM EST)

LONDON — Processor technology licensor ARM Holdings plc has disclosed that in September 2006 it intervened in patent litigation between Technology Properties Limited Inc. (TPL) and certain companies in the Fujitsu, Matsushita, NEC and Toshiba groups of companies and became a defendant in their court cases.

Law suits against these companies, originally filed in October 2005 in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas (Marshall Division), alleged the companies infringed U.S. Patents Nos. 5,809,336; 5,784,584 and 6,598,148.

All of the defendants were ARM licensees and as part of the preliminary infringement contentions, filed in July 2006, it was alleged that certain ARM technology infringes a single claim in the 584 patent.

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