photonic IP
from 3 vendors
Photonics IP cores
- The Alcyon Photonics PIP core© portfolio ranges from single components (building blocks) to advanced topologies (circuits). Alcyon’s portfolio is continuously growing to better address the customers’ needs.
- The building blocks integrate various design strategies, intended to address key functionalities and prioritize the extraction of optimal performance from specific process rules.
Power Monitoring System
- Power monitoring system with photodetector, low-speed TIAs and a digital interface
- GlobalFoundries - 45SPCLO
O-band Transceiver (Driver + Mod + PD + TIA)
- IEEE 400GBASE-DR4 Specification Compliant Transceiver with energy consumption under 5 pJ/bit
- GlobalFoundries - 45SPCLO
MZI Thermal Control System
- Automatic Mach-Zehnder Interferometer bias tuning system with digital interface
- GlobalFoundries - 45SPCLO
56G/112G O-band Transmitter
- IEEE 400GBASE-DR4 Specification Compliant Transmitter with energy consumption of 3.3 pJ/bit
- GlobalFoundries - 45SPCLO
56G/112G O-band Receiver
- IEEE 400GBASE-DR4 Specification Compliant Receiver with energy consumption of 1.0 pJ/bit
- GlobalFoundries - 45SPCLO
Thermal Tuner Driver
- 100mW (6-bit) Power Delivery based on ~20 ohm heater @ 1.5V
- GlobalFoundries - 45SPCLO
Temperature Sensor
- Analog Temperature Sensor, 2mV / ºC across corners (-40 to 110 ºC)
- GlobalFoundries - 45SPCLO
SPI Control System
- Serial Peripheral Interface BUS IP, Frequency up to 20 MHz supported
- GlobalFoundries - 45SPCLO
Programmable Current Distribution Cells
- 5-bit binary with monitoring
- GlobalFoundries - 45SPCLO