The Alcyon Photonics PIP core© portfolio ranges from single components (building blocks) to advanced topologies (circuits). Alcyon’s portfolio is continuously growing to better address the customers’ needs.
The building blocks integrate various design strategies, intended to address key functionalities and prioritize the extraction of optimal performance from specific process rules.
The advanced topologies within the PIP cores© enable signal processing in the optical domain and they were devised to relieve the customer from design work at the component level. Additionally, these PIP cores© are based on reconfigurable PICs which combine several components (splitters, phase shifters, etc) optimized to provide with:
- High adaptability to customer requirements.
- Configurability after deployment to compensate for manufacturing deviations (improved yield).
- Fine-tuning of the spectral response.
- Optimization to achieve minimal propagation losses or high Q factors.
Alcyon’s IP Library for ANT encompasses a collection of 11 innovative designs protected either through patents or by a trade secret protocol. The library offers a comprehensive set of functionalities under the SOI platform covering most passive operations present in current photonic integrated circuits: from basic structures (bends, waveguide routings, power dividers…) to more complex functions such as mode and polarization (de)multiplexers, broadband directional couplers or polarization splitters.
Exhaustive documentation is provided regarding the components’ performance together with a kit containing their compact models, making it feasible for the users to incorporate the Alcyon IP blocks in their end-circuit applications.
Alcyon’s Library for ANT is available for various SW platforms: Alcyon Toolkit, Luceda IPKISS and Synopsys OptoCompiler