The VPC-1 is a high quality motion adaptive deinterlacer and video processor with line-doubled output. Additional functions include motion adaptive noise reduction, low angle directional interpolation and film cadence detection (supports multiple cadences including 3:2, 2:2 and others). When combined with Crucial IP’s VSC-1 scaler core, the VPC-1 can be used to provide complete up/down/cross conversion. Years of experience in developing video processing algorithms have contributed to the outstanding performance of the VPC-1 amongst motion adaptive class solutions. The full feature set, robust performance and extremely efficient implementation make the VPC-1 ideal for both consumer electronic and broadcast applications.
The VPC-1 is available with complete Verilog source code, Verilog test bench and bit-accurate C models as part of the license. Integration and programming guidelines are also included backed up by expert technical support.
A VPC-1 reference design is available for standard development kits from Xilinx and Altera for demonstration and evaluation purposes. The design includes a built-in user interface with embedded OSD to simplify access to key features of the IP. In addition to simplifying the evaluation of the VPC-1 IP core, the design also serves as a template for customer application development.