The OTC9115 is a complete, low cost, single chip cable marker for USB PD Type-C (baseband) cables. In low silicon area and just 4 IOs, the device has been designed exclusively for very high volume Type-C cables with basic marker requirements.
Major Functions
- Physical Layer. Based on Obsidian’s OTC9107 port chip physical layer, this provides CC line driving and reception without external components. It includes data slicer, activity detection, voltage level detection, and slew rate controlled driver.
- LDO. Provides bandgap, and internal voltage regulation for the logic the physical layers. Power diodes also provide the required power isolation between two possible power sources (one at each end of the cable).
- Oscillator. A low temperature drift 12MHz oscillator provides logic clocking when required. The provided test program automatically trims the oscillator during a test for an overall frequency accuracy of ±5%.
- Protocol Engine implements the low level protocol and logic PHY functions required by the standard. Such as CRC generation and testing, 4b5b coding, BMC coding, clock recovery, and SERDES.
- Marker State Machine. Provides the subset of device functions required to recognize vendor messages and return responses based on PROM data.
- Programmed response. Will respond with Cert-Stat VDO and Cable-VDO with all relevant fields programmable.
- Supporting Software in C form is available for rapid implementation of production test.