FIR filter designed for very high sample rate applications. Organized as a systolic array, the filter is modular and scalable, permitting the user to specify large order filters without compromising maximum attainable clock-speed.
Matlab®, FDAtool and Simulink® compatible.
Ultra-speed FIR Filter
Key Features
- Systolic array for speed and scalability
- Configurable coefficients
- Configurable data width
- Configurable number of taps
- Symmetric arithmetic rounding
- Output saturation or wrap modes
- FPGA sample rates up to 600 MHz
- Matlab®, FDAtool® and Simulink® compatible
- Technology independent soft IP Core
- Suitable for FPGA, SoC and ASIC
- Supplied as human-readable source code
- One-time license fee with unlimited use
- Field tested and market proven
- Any custom modification on request
Block Diagram

- VHDL source-code (or Verilog on request)
- Simulation test bench
- Examples and scripts
- Full pdf datasheet
- One-to-one technical support
- One years warranty and maintenance
Technical Specifications
Foundry, Node