Synchronous Serial Interface Controller
Dolphin Technology provides Synchronous Serial Interface (SSI) IP which is an interface that is being used with absolute value transmitters, for example position sensors. This interface makes it possible to create a serial data transfer where absolute information concerning a position is transferred. The IP generally is used for point-to-point connections, especially as here a data transfer is required that takes place reliably and securely.
Key Features
- Dolphin SSI Controller supports:
- + Master only operation
- + Slave only operation
- + Master and slave operation
- + Clock synchronization
- + Programmable FIFO watermarks
- + Interrupt interface
- Compliant with the following specifications:
- + AMBA, Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB) Specification Version 2.0
- + AMBA, Advanced High-performance Bus (AHB) Specification Version 2.0
- + AMBA, Advanced eXtensibale Bus (AXI) Specification Version 4.0
- + AMBA, Advanced eXtensibale Lite Bus (AXI-Lite) Specification Version 4.0
- Communications, Data Processing, Industrial, Automotive
- Encrypted Verilog/SystemVerilog RTL, or post-synthesis netlist
- Synthesis and STA scripts
- User guide documents
- SV/UVM Verification suite with BFM
Technical Specifications
Pre Silicon
Related IPs
- SSI (Synchronous Serial Interface) Verification IP
- UART with Synchronous CPU Interface
- UART with FIFOs and Synchronous CPU Interface
- UART with FIFOs, IrDA and Synchronous CPU Interface
- MIPI HSI Controller - (High-Speed Synchronous Serial Interface)
- I2C Controller IP – Slave, User Register Interface, No CPU Required