Sub-2.5G AES Encryption Core
The sub-2.5G AES Encryption Core is a special low footprint and low-power implementation of AES engine for application requiring less than 2.5G/s. Because of its tiny footprint and low power, it works exceptionally well in system utilizing Gigabit Ethernet, fiber channel, custom linkage using RSlink/ethernet, GFP, dedicated VPN links, OTU1 and SONET/SDH OC48/12/3 and STM-16/4/1 environment. This core can also be used in wireless and satellite communications.
Key Features
- Compliant with Advanced Encryption Standard Fips197 with key size 256-bits.
- Integrates Galois/Counter (GCM) authenticated encryption/decryption mode of operation in accordance with NIST 800-38D
- Supports 96-bit Initialization Vector (IV)
- Supports up to 16B Authentication TAG
- Supports variable size Additional Authenticated Data (AAD)
- Operates in single 256-bit AES key or dual 2×256-bit AES Key in configurable key switching schemes.
- On-the-fly key expansion for both encryption and decryption.
- Customizable new KEY acceptance and failed KEY exchange handling
- Supports OTNsec OPUk encryption/decryption.
- Supports inbound SW communication for key exchange through ODUk OH
- Optional Scrambled SW communication channels to enhance confidentiality
- Optimized parallel high speed architecture suitable for ASIC or FPGA implementation.
- Supported bus width 8-bit or serial (for ultra-low bandwidth applications)
- Processor interface with 32-bit data-bus
- Modes of operations supported: GCM, CTR, GMAC.
- All our AES Cores support the following features:
- Simultaneous 2-key system (can be extended to multi-key system)
- Active/standby keys mode (default)
- Odd/even key mode
- Random 2-key switching mode
- Customizable new KEY acceptance and failed KEY exchange handling
- Authentication modes
- Authentication bypass (for ultra-low latency application)
- HW-assisted or SW hosted Authentication
- GCM/CTR/GMAC or others
- Optional AIS or NULL filled OPU when authentication failed
- Authentication alarms and PM counters
Block Diagram

Technical Specifications
Related IPs
- AES Encryption & Decryption IP Core − Single Configurable Block Cipher Mode
- AES Encryption & Decryption IP Core − Programmable Block Cipher Modes
- AES 256 encryption IP core
- High-Speed AES Encryption Cores
- AES data encryption and decryption
- Ultra-Compact Advanced Encryption Standard (AES, FIPS-197) Core