The Streaming Multi-port SDRAM Memory Controller IP Core provides a native RD or WR local port bus interface to SDRAM memory. The core integrates: a burst memory controller core, a port arbitrator, and intelligent look-ahead FIFO controller into one easy-to-use core. It supports SDR, DDR, DDR2, and Mobile DDR memory devices in a single IP Core assuring designers of a smooth low-risk migration path with changing SDRAM technology.
The core supports up to ten independently clocked streaming data sources operating from one shared high-bandwidth memory system. Using the intuitive Microtronix GUI interface, with a few clicks of a mouse, designers can create a multi-port system, a design task which would normally take several man-months of effort!
Streaming Multi-port SDRAM Memory Controller
Key Features
- 200/333 MHz (400/666 Mbps) Cyclone / Stratix memory performance
- SDR, DDR, DDR2, and Mobile DDR SDRAM memory devices
- Up to 10 native RD or WR ports
- Memory data width: 8/16/32/64-bit
- Local bus width from 8 to 128-bits
- Configurable FIFO depth: 16 to 2048 bytes
- Intelligent SDRAM burst caching minimizes wait-states
- Layout independent DDR/DDR2 Round-Trip capture scheme
- Requires only single PLL with 4 clock outputs
- Multiple time domain clocking
- Configuration GUI streamlines design process
- Supports Cyclone II, III, IV-E, IV-GX, Stratix II, II-GX, III, Arria GX/II-GX
- MegaWizzard GUI for ease of configuration
- DQS data capture clocking simplifies MDDR/DDR/DDR2 PCB design constraints
- Configurable FIFO optimizes streaming video applications
- Configurable memory and local bus data width
- Independent time domain clocking optimizes memory bandwidth
- Synopsis TimeQuest support ensures timing closure (except for SDR memory devices Source-synchronous Data Capture)
Block Diagram

- Easy to use configuration GUI
- VHDL IP functional simulations models
- On Die Termination (ODT) improves signal integrity
- IP Core License includes 1 year of updates
- Altera OpenCore Plus evaluation
Technical Specifications
Over 5 years mature
Available for immediate sale
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