The DI2CS core provides an interface between a microprocessor / microcontroller and I2C bus. It can work as:
- a slave transmitter or
- slave receiver
depending on a working mode determined by the master device. The DI2CS core incorporates all features required by the latest I2C specification, including:
- clock synchronization,
- arbitration,
- high-speed transmission mode.
The DI2CS supports all transmission speed modes:
- Standard (up to 100 kb/s)
- Fast (up to 400 kb/s)
- Fast Plus (up to 1 Mb/s)
- High Speed (up to 3,4 Mb/s)
DCD’s IP Core is a technology independent design and can be implemented in various process technologies.
Slave I2C bus controller with FIFO
Key Features
- Conforms to v.3.0 of the I2C specification
- Slave operation
- Slave transmitter
- Slave receiver
- Supports 3 transmission speed modes
- Standard (up to 100 kb/s)
- Fast (up to 400 kb/s)
- Fast Plus (up to 1 Mb/s)
- High Speed (up to 3,4 Mb/s)
- Double buffering of RX/TX data
- Configurable RX and TX FIFOs up to 256 bytes each
- Configurable length of SCL, SDA lines glitch filtering
- Allows operation from a wide range of input clock frequencies
- Simple interface allows easy connection to microprocessor/microcontroller devices
- Interrupt generation
- User-defined data setup time
- Available system interface wrappers:
- AMBA - APB Bus
- Altera Avalon Bus
- Xilinx OPB Bus
- Fully synthesizable
- Static synchronous design
- Positive edge clocking and no internal tri-states
- Scan test ready
- Getting a sillicon proven IP
- Rapid prototyping and time-to-market reduction
- Design risk elimination
- Development costs reduction
- Full customization
- Technological independence (VHDL and Verilog)
- Global sales network
- Professional service
- Embedded microprocessor boards
- Consumer and professional audio/video
- Home and automotive radio
- Low-power applications
- Communication systems
- Cost-effective reliable automotive systems
- HDL Source Code
- Testbench environment
- Automatic Simulation macros
- Tests with reference responses
- Synthesis scripts
- Technical documentation
- 12 months of technical support
Technical Specifications
Silicon Proven: 130nm G
Silicon Proven: 130nm G
Related IPs
- I2C Controller IP- Master / Slave, Parameterized FIFO, AXI Bus
- I2C Controller IP- Master / Slave, Parameterized FIFO, AHB Bus
- I2C Controller IP- Master / Slave, Parameterized FIFO, APB Bus
- I2C Controller IP – Slave, SCL Clock, Parameterized FIFO, APB Bus. For low power requirements in I2C Slave Controller interface to CPU
- I2C Controller IP – Slave, Parameterized FIFO, AXI Bus
- I2C Controller IP – Slave, Parameterized FIFO, APB Bus