Universal asynchronous receiver and transmitter (UART) using the RS232 protocol are often used to connect peripheral devices to a central controller.
The UARTmodule has one receive and one transmit channel, receive and transmit buffers, an interrupt controller as well as a local bus interface. The built-in receive buffer is configurable in depth, therefore, enabling a gate count and application optimized implementation. The baudrate generator uses a innovative digital controlled oscillator (DCO) to generate baudrates over a wide frequency range. With a system clock of 8MHz, all baudrates from 1200 baud to 115.2 kbaud have an accuracy of better than 0.1%!
To improve glitch rejection, the receiver uses a 3-point input sampling. Format and parity errors are detected and reported.
Single Channel UART with Scalable Rx-FIFO
Key Features
- Single channel UART
- Flexible baudrate generator
- Status and error registers
- Scalable RxFIFO (2/4/8/16 bytes deep)
- Double buffered TxFIFO
- 7-bit or 8-bit format
- 1 or 2 stop bits
- Parity enable, even or odd
- Local interrupt controller
- Supports synchronous bus interfaces such as AMBA APB version 2.0
- Full synchronous design
- Synthesis Options:
- CPU readback enable
- CPU bus width
- RxFIFO depth
- For gate-count optimization, the core can be configured to disable the configuration register read-back path. Synthesis options are included to use the core in 8, 16 or 32-bit systems. With a separate APB wrapper, the core can be used in ARM subsystems
Block Diagram

- VHDL or Verilog RTL Source Code
- Functional Testbench
- Synthesys Script
- Data Sheet
- User Guide
- Hotline Support by means of phone, fax and e-mail
Technical Specifications
Foundry, Node
Technology independent
Silicon proven in ASIC and FPGA Technologies