Simulation VIP for DDR4 LRDIMM


First to market with full DDR4 LRDIMM support.

This Cadence® Verification IP (VIP) supports the JEDEC® DDR4 Unbuffered DIMM (UDIMM), Registered DIMM (RDIMM), and Load-Reduced DIMM (LRDIMM) design standards. It provides a mature, highly capable compliance verification solution that supports simulation and formal analysis, making it applicable to intellectual property (IP), system-on-chip (SoC), and system-level verification. The DDR4 RDIMM Memory Model VIP is compatible with the industry-standard Universal Verification Methodology (UVM), runs on all leading simulators, and leverages the industry-standard Cadence Memory Model core architecture, interface, and use model.

DDR4 DIMM is the next generation DIMM specification with improvements in the areas of speed, configuration, reliability, and power saving. It supports speeds up to 3200 speed grade. With redefined Control Word Write, DRAM Mode register write interface, and with new control word settings like programmable latency and encoded quad modes, it is more flexible. Guarding of the command forwarded to DRAMs and the RCD Control word writes with optional parity checking and detailed specification for different ways of recovery in the case of parity errors makes this more reliable.

Supported specification: DDR4 SDRAM UDIMM Design Specification Revision 1.00, DDR4 SDRAM RDIMM Design Specification Revision 1.00, DDR4 SDRAM Load-Reduced DIMM Design Specification Revision 1.00, DDR4RCD02 Revision 1.00, and DDR4DB02 Revision 1.00.

Key Features

  • DIMM Types
  • LRDIMM Training Modes
    • Fully supports DWL, HWL, MREP, MRD, and MWD Training modes
  • Initialization and Reset
    • Use Power Up Reset and Reset with Stable Power with all timing and pin validity checks
  • Weak Driver Support
    • Supports signal strength modeling. Users can use pull up or pull down on the input pins and the model detects the signal strength and function like a real device
  • New DIMM Configuration Support
    • Raw Cards with CB bits are mapped to the middle of DQ and DQS buses
  • Configurable DIMM Topology
    • A number of ranks and components with and the overall interconnect between DIMM, RCD, and DRAM are configurable using SOMAs
  • Flyby Delays
    • Supports Flyby delay to specify wiring delays for UDIMM, RDIMM and LRDIMM. Can be changed on the fly
  • ECC Checks Bits
    • Optional DRAM instantiation for checks bits
  • Address Mirroring
    • RDIMM will optionally mirror the address bits as mentioned in specification
  • DQ Maps
    • Configurable DQ Maps to match one of the options mentioned in the specification
  • Core RCD Forwarding Logic
    • DRAM MRS command handling, inversion, mirroring, command latency, propagation delay, gating with parity checks, and different CS modes
  • RCD Control Word Writes
    • MRS7 interface for CWW and most of the control word settings
  • Parity
    • Supports optionally checking for even parity. CWW and DRAM commands support gating errors
    • Implements different recovery mechanisms defined in the specification
  • CA Training
    • Supports Clk to CA and ODT, CKE, CSBAR loop-back modes
  • DB Control Word Writes
    • MRS7 interface for Buffer Control Word Writes and most of the control word settings
  • DB Data Latching and Forwarding
    • Latching of Read and Write data to forward it to Host, or the DRAM side depending on the command
  • DDR4 DB Delay Registers
    • Supports all the Nibble and bit-lane delay registers mentioned in the specification
  • DB Command Sequence and Parity
    • Supports the command sequence and Parity error along with the relevant buffer Control Words
  • LRDIMM Rank to Rank Timing Checks
    • Supports timing check for Read and Write accesses to different Ranks
  • DRAM Features
    • Supports all DDR4 SDRAM features

    Block Diagram

    Simulation VIP for DDR4 LRDIMM Block Diagram

    Technical Specifications

Semiconductor IP