Simulation VIP for AMBA CHI


Cadence provides a mature and comprehensive Verification IP (VIP) for the Coherent Hub Interface (CHI) specification, which is part of the Arm® AMBA® family of protocols. Incorporating the latest protocol updates, the Cadence® Verification IP for AXI provides a complete bus functional model (BFM), integrated automatic protocol checks, and coverage model. Designed for easy integration in testbenches at IP, system-on-chip (SoC), and system levels, the VIP for CHI provides a highly capable compliance verification solution that supports simulation, formal analysis, and hardware acceleration platforms. Cadence provides an integrated solution for interconnect verification, which supports the verification of coherent interconnect and performance analysis that provides automated generation of testbenches. The VIP runs on all major simulators and supports SystemVerilog and e verification languages, along with associated methodologies, including the Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) and Open Verification Methodology (OVM).

Supported specification: AMBA 5 CHI A, B, C, D, E, and F.

Key Features

  • Transaction type
    • Monitoring and driving of all protocol Opcodes
  • Dummy interconnect
    • Dummy CHI-based interconnect support. When interconnect is not present, the Active Hn-F can generate snoop requests and respond to Rn-F commands
  • Communication layers
    • Liink, network and protocol layer communication
  • Interface
    • Rn-F, Rn-D, Rn-I to Hn-F, Hn-D, Hn-I, Mn and Hn-F, Hn-I, Mn to Sn-F, Sn-I
  • Flow control
    • Flow control mechanisms support available across all RnX-to-HnX and HnX-to-SnX links
  • Channel delay
    • User can control timing of individual flits
  • Cache model
    • Facilitates the role of actual L2 cache used in a CHI Rn-F
  • Cache access
    • Supports cache backdoor access as specific or random values can be sent to the cache at the beginning of a test or during run time
  • CHI-B
    • Monitoring and driving of atomic transactions
    • Monitoring and driving of stashing transactions
    • Support for Direct Memory Transfer (DMT) and Direct Cache Transfer (DCT)
    • Monitoring and driving of de-allocating transactions
    • Optional addition of Data Check and Poison
    • System Coherency Interface, used to connect and disconnect from a coherency domain
  • CHI-C
    • Monitoring and driving of separate read data and home response
    • Monitoring and driving of combined CompAck and Write Data
  • CHI-D
    • Supports monitoring and driving of persistent CMO with two-part response
    • Support for Memory Partitioning and Monitoring (MPAM) feature
  • CHI-E
    • Memory Tagging

    Block Diagram

    Simulation VIP for AMBA CHI Block Diagram

    Technical Specifications

Semiconductor IP