SHA256 is a Secure Hash Algorithms which is one of the latest hash functions standarized by the U.S Federal Government. SHA 256 IP Core Algorithm implements one-way hash functions that process a message digest. Such functions enables the determination of a message's integrity and provide 128 bits of security agains collison attacks . It computes a 256-bit message digest for messages of up to (2^64 – 1) bits. SHA 256 is critical for verification of digital signature, message authentications and generation of random numbers (bits)
CYB-SHA256 IP Core solution can be widely applied in the variety of cryptography designs to protect digital signature and identity authentication in order to avoid the attacks. The implementation is designed with high performance, simple interface that enable easy integration into SOC or FPGA applications.
SHA256 Encoder and Decoder
Key Features
- FIPS 180-2 compliance
- Message compression
- Key expansion
- Hash input 512 bit
- Hash output 256 bit
- 68 cycles per 512-bit hash block
- Bit padding
Block Diagram

- Digital signature
- Password protection
- Message authentication
- Data intergrity check
- Security applications and protocols
- Transcation verification
- for crypto-currencies
- Flexible licensing
- Documentation
- Source code
- Test suites
- Verilog
- Technical support
Technical Specifications
Related IPs
- 1Gbit/s LDPC Decoder and Encoder (WiMedia UWB)
- IEEE 802.11n/ac/ax (WiFi) LDPC Decoder and Encoder
- DVB-S2 BCH and LDPC Encoder and Decoder
- LDPC Decoder and Encoder that supports DVB-S2 DVB-S2X DVB-T2 DVB-C2 CMMB DMB-T
- High Profiles H.264 Encoder − High 10, High 4:2:2 and High 4:4:4 (12-bit 4:2:2 or 4:2:0) Profiles
- IEEE 802.3bj Reed-Solomon Encoder and Decoder