The SHA-3 – secure hash algorithms – crypto engine is a hardware accelerator for cryptographic hashing functions. It is an area efficient and high throughput design and compliant to NIST’s FIPS 202 standard. Additionally it supports all SHA-3 hash functions – SHA-3-224, SHA-3-256, SHA-3-384 and SHA-3-512 – as well as extendable output functions (XOF) – SHAKE-128 and SHAKE-256.
The SHA-3 IP core offers a versatile solution for maintaining data integrity and verifying authentication across various applications. Its applications span a wide range, including Message Authentication Codes (MAC), IPsec and TLS/SSL protocol engines, secure boot engines, encrypted data storage, e-commerce platforms, financial transaction systems, blockchain, or pseudo random bit generation.
SHA-3 Crypto IP Core
Key Features
- FIPS 202 compliant
- Supports cryptographic hashing for SHA-3 in 224/256/384/512 mode
- Extendable-Output Functions for SHAKE 128/256
- AMBA® AXI4-Stream
- Fully synchronous design
- For any FPGA and ASIC
Block Diagram

- Message Authentication Codes (MAC)
- IPsec and TLS/SSL protocol engines
- secure boot engines
- encrypted data storage
- e-commerce platforms
- financial transaction systems
- blockchain
- pseudo random bit generation
Technical Specifications
Related IPs
- ColdFire V2 IP Core low-gate count, high performance ColdFire architecture
- MD5 IP Core Message Digest Function
- AES Encryption & Decryption IP Core − Single Configurable Block Cipher Mode
- GCM-AES IP Core − Authenticated Encryption & Decryption
- AES Encryption & Decryption IP Core − Programmable Block Cipher Modes
- SHA-3 Secure Hash Crypto Engine