SHA-256 IP


SHA-256 IP is an optimized and efficient implementation of a secure hash algorithm SHA-256 specified in FIPS 180-4 standard. SHA256-IP can process 512-bit data blocks in just 65 clock cycles. Delivering 7.875Mbps throughput per 1MHz clock such as 2.362 Gbps throughput @ 300MHz* tentative

SHA-256 is one of the most secure and practically unbreakable hashing functions which is most popular to use in various applications such as secure password hashing, digital signature, SSL/TLS certificate and Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

Together with Design Gateway's data storage and networking IP, SHA256-IP enables more opportunity for inventing the secure, efficient and high performance applications.

Key Features

  • Support SHA 256-bit standard function
  • Support input data length up to 261-1 bytes (264-8 bits)
  • Super high throughput rate at 65 clocks per 64 bytes data
  • Hash speed up to 2.362 Gbps @ 300MHz * tentative
  • Simple user interface signals as same as FIFO interface
  • Small Resource Consumption

Block Diagram

SHA-256 IP Block Diagram

Technical Specifications

Semiconductor IP