Serdes PHY - 1.25~5Gbps, compatible with SATAII, SAS, PCIe and SONET
Key Features
- 1.25~5Gbps, compatible with SATAII, SAS, PCIe and SONET
Technical Specifications
Foundry, Node
Silicon Proven
Related IPs
- 10Gbps Multi-Link and Multi-Protocol PCIe 3.1 PHY IP for TSMC
- PCIe 1.1 Controller supporting Root Port, Endpoint, Dual-mode Configurations, with Built-in DMA and Configurable AMBA AXI Interconnect
- JESD204B/204C IP with PHY and MAC layer
- Low Power 1-22G PCIe Gen4 / SAS4 PHY on TSMC CLN16FFC
- RSA/ECC Public Key Accelerators with TRNG and AHB
- 24-bit Cap-less ADC 106 dB SNR with ASRC and phase alignement 6 channels