The NOEL-V is a synthesizable VHDL model of a processor that implements the RISC-V architecture. The NOEL-V is designed for space applications: with its high-performance and fault-tolerant design, NOEL-V is the ideal choice for satellites, rovers, and other space-bound systems. Built on the RISC-V architecture, NOEL-V offers unparalleled flexibility and customization, allowing SoC designers to create solutions tailored to their specific needs.
The NOEL-V processor core is available as part of a subsystem that also contains system peripherals. The subsystem can be configured to use different processor configurations, going from high-performance to area-optimized implementations.
The processor can be efficiently implemented on FPGA and ASIC technologies and uses standard synchronous memory cells for caches and register file.
RISC-V Application Processor
Key Features
- 64-bit or 32-bit architecture
- Optional fault tolerance features
- Designed and maintained in Europe
- Multi-core support (SMP and AMP)
- Hardware multiply and divide units
- Compressed (16 bit) instruction support
- Machine, supervisor and user mode
- RISC-V standard PLIC
- RISC-V standard PMP (physical memory protection)
- RISC-V standard external debug support
- Advanced 7-stage dual-issue in-order pipeline
- Dynamic branch prediction, branch target buffer and return address stack
- Four full ALUs, two of them late in the pipeline to reduce stalls
- Separate instruction and data L1 cache (Harvard architecture) with snooping
- Configurable L2 cache: 256-bit internal, 1-4 ways, 16 KiB - 8 MiB
- AMBA 2.0 AHB bus interface, 64- or 128-bit wide
- Robust and fully synchronous single-edge clock design
- Extensively configurable
- Large range of software tools: compilers, kernels and debug monitors
- High performance: 4.36 CoreMark/MHz
- IEEE-754 FPU
- User level interrupts
- Power-down mode and clock gating
- Hypervisor support
- Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) support
Technical Specifications
NOEL-V will be released on December 25 2019.
Related IPs
- High Performance 64-bit RISC-V Multi-Core Application Processor
- 32b/64b RISC-V 5-stage, scalar, in-order, Application Processor. Linux and multi-core capable. Maps upto ARM A-35. Optimal PPA.
- RISC-V ARC-V RMX-100 Ultra-low Power 32-bit Processor IP for Embedded Applications
- 16/32/64-bit Application Adaptive Processor
- RISC-V processor - 32 bit, 5-stage pipeline
- RISC-V Processor - RV12 - 32/64 bit, Single Core CPU