Receive the high speed serial signal, transfer it to parallel data and unpack the symbol packet, direct video stream output finally.
Receive the high speed serial signal, transfer it to parallel data and unpack the symbol packet, direct video stream output finally.
Technical Specifications
Foundry, Node
Related IPs
- FTVBOTXALL010 is a V-by-One transmitter designed for applications that take ultra-low power dissipation and high data transfer rate. This IP is compliant with the V-By-One HS Standard, Ver. 1.3. It transfers the packed packet from direct the video stream
- Driver Amplifier operating from 35 - 39 GHz and can be used in Ka band applications or to drive the high power amplifier
- Buffer Amplifier operating from 10-45 GHz and can be used in wide band application or to drive the high power amplifier
- Buffer Amplifier operating from 25-62.5 GHz and can be used in Ka / V band application or to drive the high power amplifier.
- Microprocessor IP for video codecs and video processing -- High Number of Streams Encoder For Data Center
- Microprocessor IP for video codecs and video processing -- High Number of Streams Decoder For Data Center