Intel 8255A Functional Equivalent Programmable Peripheral Interface


The DB8255A Programmable Peripheral Interface core is a full function equivalent to the Intel 8255A / 82C55A and Intersil 82C55A devices.

The DB8255A implements a general-purpose I/O interface connecting peripheral equipment to a microprocessor system bus. The core generates 24 programmable I/O lines which are individually programmed in 2 groups of 12 and used in 3 major modes of operation.

Functional Description

Data Bus Buffer

The 3-state, bi-directional 8-bit buffer is used to interface the DB8255A core to the microprocessor system data bus. Data, control words and status information are transferred through the Data Bus Buffer.

Processor Read / Write Control Logic

The Processor Read / Write Control Logic processes all internal and external transfers of both Data and Control or Status words. It accepts inputs from the microprocessor Address and Control busses and in turn, issues commands to both of the Control Groups.

Group A and Group B Controls

The functional configuration of each port is programmed by systems software. In essence, the microprocessor “outputs” a control word to the DB8255A. The control word contains information such as “mode”, “bit set”, “bit reset”, etc., that initializes the functional configuration of the DB8255A.

Ports A, B, and C

The DB8255A contains three 8-bit ports (A, B, and C). All can be configured in a wide variety of functional characteristics by the system software but each has its own special features to further enhance the flexibility of the DB8255A.

Port A. One 8-bit data output latch/buffer and one 8-bit input latch buffer.

Port B. One 8-bit data input/output latch/buffer.

Port C. One 8-bit data output latch/buffer and one 8-bit data input buffer (no latch for input). This port can be divided into two 4-bit ports under the mode control. Each 4-bit port contains a 4-bit latch and it can be used for the control signal outputs and status signal inputs in conjunction with ports A and B.

Key Features

  • 24 programmable I/O lines
  • 8-bit bidirectional data bus with standard microprocessor interface controls
  • Three Modes of operation:
    • Mode 0: Basic Input/Output:
      •  2 groups of 12 I/O lines may be programmed in sets of 4 and 8 tobe inputs or outputs.
    • Mode 1: Strobed Input/Output:
      •  Each group may be programmed to have 8 lines of input or output.The 3 of the remaining 4 lines are used for handshaking andinterrupt control signals.
    • Mode 2: Bidirectional Bus
      •  Single 8-bit bidirectional bus for both transmitting and receivingdata
  • Control Word Read-Back Capability
  • Direct Bit Set/Reset Capability
  • RESET input clears the Control Register and all 24 programmable I/O lines set to input mode
  • Available in VHDL, Verilog, or FPGA-Specific Netlist


  • The DB8255A Programmable Peripheral Interface is a silicon-proven 24 line programmable I/O interface IP core. Customers can work off the large industry knowledge surrounding the Intel 8255A / 82C55A and Harris / Intersil 82C55A devices to get microprocessor system designs with programmable I/O requirements up and running quickly.

Block Diagram

Intel 8255A Functional Equivalent Programmable Peripheral Interface Block Diagram


  • VHDL Source.
  • Comprehensive testbench suite with expected results.
  • Synthesis scripts.
  • Installation Guide
  • Technical Reference Manual

Technical Specifications

Foundry, Node
Successful in Customer designs
Semiconductor IP