The phase-frequency detector (PFD) consists of 2 D-trigger with reset from external circuit, performed in ECL logic and multiplexer, which allow to switch the input signals to the corresponding inputs.
The block is fabricated on AMS BiCMOS 0.35 um technology.
Phase-frequency detector in ECL logic
Key Features
- AMS BiCMOS 0.35 um
- Differential structure
- Ability to work with VCOs with both positive and negative frequency dependence of the control voltage
- Input frequencies up to 100MHz
- Only-up/only-down test modes
- External reset circuit
- Documentation
- Portable to other technologies (upon request)
Block Diagram

- Phase-locked loop synthesizer
- Schematic or NetList
- Abstract model (.lef and .lib files)
- Layout view (optional)
- Behavioral model (Verilog)
- Extracted view (optional)
- DRC, LVS, antenna report
- Test bench with saved configurations (optional)
- Documentation
Technical Specifications
Foundry, Node
AMS BiCMOS 0.35 um
Silicon proven
Related IPs
- Phase-frequency detector in CMOS logic
- PLL CMOS phase-frequency detector with ECL charge pump
- PLL ECL phase-frequency detector with ECL charge pump
- PLL ECL phase-frequency detector with ECL charge pump
- 0.1 to 25 MHz Phase-frequency detector with charge pump
- 24.84 MHz Phase-frequency detector with charge pump (input amplitude 150…210 mV)