OpenCores Wishbone B3 Synthesizable IP provides a smart way to verify the OpenCores Wishbone B3 component of a SOC or a ASIC in Emulator or FPGA platform. The SmartDV's OpenCores Wishbone B3 Synthesizable IP is fully compliant with standard OpenCores Wishbone B3 Specification and provides the following features
OpenCores Wishbone B3 Synthesizable Transactor
Key Features
- Compliant to OpenCores Wishbone B3 Protocol
- Support for all types of Wishbone devices
- Master
- Slave
- Supports programmable wait states
- Supports programmable Retry insertion
- Supports programmable Error insertion
- Supports configurable transfer size for read and write transactions
- Supports linear,Fixed and Wrap burst sizes
- Supports flexibility to send completely configured data
- Ability to inject errors during data transfer
- Supports on-the-fly protocol and data checking
- Compatible with testbench writing using SmartDV's VIP
- All UVM sequences/testcases written with VIP can be reused
- Runs in every major emulators environment
- Runs in custom FPGA platforms
Block Diagram

- Synthesizable transactors
- Complete regression suite containing all the OpenCores Wishbone B3 testcases
- Examples showing how to connect various components, and usage of Synthesizable Transactor
- Detailed documentation of all class, task and functions used in verification env
- Documentation contains User's Guide and Release notes