NVMeTCP IP is the standalone host side NVMe Over Fabric (NVMe/TCP) controller with no CPU and external memory required. Enabling very high-performance remote access to NVMe-oF Storage Server by simple user logic. Greatly reduce design complexity and development time. Allowing your FPGA Card/Board to get access to the existing NVMe-oF storage infrastructure remotely and directly over FPGA’s network interface with maximum possible performance.
NVMe over TCP IP core - End-to-End NVMe-oF TCP connectivity with no CPU!
Key Features
- NVMe/TCP (NVMe over TCP) host controller (Initiator), based on NVMe-oF specification rev 1.1 and NVMe specification rev 1.4
- Access one NVMe SSD on the target (Subsystem), selected by NVMe name (NQN)
- Command: Write and Read
- High performance:
- NVMeTCP25G-IP: Write = 2500MB/s, Read = 2600MB/s (1MB buffer)
- NVMeTCP10G-IP: Write = 1200MB/s, Read = 1200MB/s (1MB buffer)
- Data interface: Memory-mapped interface
- Data size per command: Fixed at 4 Kbytes
- Maximum command: 256 or less, limited by Read buffer size for Read command
- Configurable Read buffer size: 32Kbytes (up to 8 Read Cmd) - 1Mbytes (up to 256 Read Cmd)
- Supported NVMe/TCP target:
- IOCCSZ (I/O Queue Command Capsule Support Size): More than or equal to 4160 (1040h)
- MQES (Maximum Queue Entries Supported): More than or equal to 256 (100h)
- MAXCMD (Maximum Outstanding Commands): More than or equal to 256 (100h)
- Authentication: Not required
- Networking: 10Gb Ethernet speed in the same network for transferring ARP request/reply packet by using jumbo frame packet
- Ethernet MAC interface: 64-bit AXI4 Stream interface at 156.25 MHz
- User clock frequency: 156.25 MHz, the same clock as EMAC interface
- Available reference design: KCU105/ZCU102/ZCU106 board
- Customized service
- NVMe/TCP Target in different network that cannot transfer ARP packet to get Target MAC address
- The network that does not support jumbo frame packet
Block Diagram

Technical Specifications
Related IPs
- NVMe IP core -- Directly connect PCIe SSD without external memory
- I3C Controller IP – I3C / I2C Slave, SCL Clock only, Configure User Registers, no CPU Host Required
- I3C Controller IP – I3C / I2C Slave, Configure User Registers, no CPU Host Required
- High Performance Embedded Host NVMe IP Core
- I2C Controller IP – Slave, User Register Interface, No CPU Required
- CPU-less QUIC Offload IP core for FPGA Acceleration