The SVT-CS4AP2 supports MIPI CSI2 over MIPI D-PHY. It allows mutilplexing of up to 10 video sources into a CSI2 output stream
Multi-Video-Source Multiplexing Serial Video Transmitter for MIPI CSI2
Key Features
- One clock lane, and one to 4 data lanes
- Up to 1.5 Gbps per lane;
- Supports CSI2 RAW8, RAW10, RAW12, all YUV420, all YUV422 and User-Defined 8-bit formats (other CSI2 standards available as an option).
- Supports up to 8 concurrent video sources; for example, the sensor can send high resolution RAW12 image, where the first and last video lines contain blanking data, with embedded low resolution preview data and with embedded JPEG data
- CRC and ECC generation
- Programmable timing parameters
Block Diagram

Technical Specifications